The Croods | Teen Ink

The Croods

October 29, 2013
By VeronicaF.14 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
VeronicaF.14 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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“The Croods” Review
Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, and Nicolas Cage encompass the dynamic, animated cast in “The Croods.” Through the voices of these actors, Eep, Guy, and Grug are brought to life. Kirk De Micco and Chris Sanders created a movie full of life lessons while maintaining a light atmosphere through the characters’ comical personalities, animal-like behavior, and naïve ideals.
“The Croods “are a family of primitives so focused on surviving that they lose sight of everything else happening in the world. They are soon obligated to explore the world as they embark on a journey to a safe home after their cave is destroyed. Grug is the traditional over-protective father who encourages fear for survival. In contrast, Eep is adventurous, fearless, and curious. Grup and Eep’s conflicting relationship make way for Eep’s rebellion and her encounter with Guy.
Fire is not the only thing introduced by Guy, a spirited, clever, teenage boy. He marks the beginning of adventure, insight, and fearlessness in the life of “The Croods.” He is forced to lead the family to safety. Unlike the “Croods,” he is not a primitive; instead, he uses traps to hunt food, he wears shoes to protect his feet, and he has a pet as his companion. Although Grug initially sees Guy as rival rather than a hero, Guy brings him closer to reconciliation with Eep.
“The Croods” is a phenomenal, inspirational, family movie. Its goofy characters are relatable despite the era in which the story takes place. Turtles as birds, crocodiles as dogs, and giant cats as predators are some of the creative images in this film. It promises to enlighten the viewer through the development of the conflicting father-daughter relationship and the importance of keeping an open mind and living the world without fear. This movie will surprise the viewer through the imaginative creatures the family encounters, the new risks, and even a depiction of Noah’s ark, which in “The Croods” turns into Grug’s ribcage. It’s ingenious and inspirational plot line will leave more than one with a smile.


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