The Hills Have Eyes | Teen Ink

The Hills Have Eyes

May 16, 2013
By risa2013 BRONZE, Jackson Center, Pennsylvania
risa2013 BRONZE, Jackson Center, Pennsylvania
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My review, Is on the movie the Hills Have Eyes 2, Why I choose to do a review on it is because it’s a really good movie and it’s not very scary.
Why I thought this was a good movie is because it’s really different from other movies and shows a complete different style with how the people are in this movie, I also liked how it made them seem like they are real seem are real in life, I actually didn’t think it was scary at all because my 5 year old sister sat right next me and watched it with me and didn’t scream or anything she sat and watched the movie well it was on.
I think if more people knew more about it they wouldn’t be so scared to actually watch it I think they should know more about it and know that it’s really not scary and that it won’t hurt to actually try watching it instead of just saying it looks to scary,
To the people that read this please try watching it, thank you.

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