Paper Heart | Teen Ink

Paper Heart

March 18, 2013
By KristaLove BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
KristaLove BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I personally enjoy romantic comedies, but this movie is more than just an interesting story. This movie is half-documentary and half- romantic comedy. The movie revolves around a young woman named Charlyne Yi who embarks on a quest to film a documentary about the topic of love in order to convince herself that love truly exists. Coincidentally, Charlyne happens to find love along the way when she meets Michael Cera. This movie tugs on your heartstrings as you hear stories and commentaries from people of all ages and backgrounds. From kids, to married couples, to homosexual couples, this documentary covers all of what humans believe is love. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who appreciates a good documentary.

The author's comments:
I chose this piece because it was one of the first documentary- type films that I had ever seen and I love the twist of adding a fictional story (love story between Charlyne and Michael)into the documentary. It is definitely a fresh and creative take on a documentary.


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