The Lucky One | Teen Ink

The Lucky One

December 4, 2012
By katmaguire BRONZE, King George, Virginia
katmaguire BRONZE, King George, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The popular movie, ‘The Lucky One” is a love story between two people that both have different lives that fall in love. The main cast; Logan, Beth, Ben, Keith Clayton, and Ellie and the main characters are Logan and Beth. A U.S. Marine named Logan Thibault, played by Zach Efron was stationed in Iraq at the time fighting for his country. As he’s walking he finds a picture of a smiling young woman buried in the dirt during his tour in Iraq. Right after that he experiences a bomb and he had the picture in his hand, no one claimed it. He was shipped back home to Colorado right after all this, things seemed a little different but he had just came home from war and wasn’t used to living a normal life like he did before. All he really cared about was finding the woman that saved his life. In the picture she was standing next to a lighthouse and he searched lighthouses on the internet and found the lighthouse she was at. He went to Hampton, North Carolina to find the woman named Elizabeth, the woman that was in the photo. He found out where she lived and showed up at her dog training business and applied for the job. Her mother was the one that gave him the job, and he started working and enjoyed it, I mean she saved his life pretty much. He found out that she was divorced and had a son. Elizabeth told him about her brother that was shipped off to Iraq and had died. Her ex-husband came and picked their son up when it was his turn to take the son. It seemed that the father and son relationship was good. You could tell that they ex-husband had a little jealousy of the new man that Elizabeth had found. He started treating her badly when he would pick up his son but Logan was always there to protect her. It seemed that her son liked Logan more that she did. She finally gave in and went out on a date with him. She had told him about her boat and how she hadn’t used it in a very long time and it just sat there. Once they started having strong feelings for each other he fixed her boat and things just kept getting better and their love became stronger. One night the police officer searched his house and found the picture of her. She didn’t know what to think, she thought all the trust that she gave him was gone. She instantly thought he was a different person. That same night, her son ran into the woods where his tree house was and it began to rain. Everyone chased after him and he fell into the river and his dad tried to save him. Logan jumped in the water and tried to save both of them; part of the tree house fell on the son’s dad he died instantly. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, it just happened. She chased after Logan and told him how much she loved him. In the end her son was driving the boat and they were sitting in the back enjoying the beautiful day. The movie overall is an amazing love story and makes you want love like that.

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