Friday the 13th | Teen Ink

Friday the 13th

April 16, 2009
By chelsee ferguson BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
chelsee ferguson BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This 2009 version is exactly what you expected from ANOTHER Friday the 13th movie. The movie starts off with a group of teenagers going to Crystal Lake. In the first ten minutes, they all die but one. The opening credits roll and the movie really begins. The Jason in this movie is hardly “Jason” at all. Since when does Jason run? Oh, and his he doesn't wear THE mask until half way through the movie. These storytellers certainly have created a whole new Jason. Unfortunately, this Jason really lets us down. Jason isn't the only thing letting us down in this film. There isn't the same “edge-of-the-seat” moments that we encounter in the previous Friday the 13th movies. The kills come too fast and are very predictable. This film would be perfect for those of you who would like to sit back, and enjoy a mindless movie that you can laugh at. If you don't mind always knowing what's going to happen, this movie really wouldn't be half bad for you. In the end, Jason manages to come back from the water, once again.


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