Tall Girl | Teen Ink

Tall Girl

December 9, 2019
By Jaleesha16 BRONZE, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Jaleesha16 BRONZE, Lawrence, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tall girl is a good movie because it is about a girl who’s an outcast because of her height.Tall Girl ,directed by Nzingna stewart is a comedy movie on Netflix that depicts real life things that happen to teenagers in high school,especially when you’re an outcast.Is being tall really that big of a deal in high school or is it that tall students made fun of because of the way they look or their height.

      A high school girl who’s taller than anyone else in school that she also has a crush on a new kid in school.A bully sees him and starts to flirt so Jodi can get mad.

     Tall girl shows that even when you look different,that is okay because nobody is 

perfect.You should be proud of the way you look and being different is okay is cool! If everyone were the same it would be boring!The cinematography show’s beautiful bright colors for their clothes and locker also the costume the characters wore was regular shirts and pants.I feel like this movie is an example of how the real word is right now with everyone being judged just because the way they look or anything like and at the end is showing that it doesn’t matter who you are that you can do anything you want to do in life and who cares others have to say because at the end of the day you doing what makes you happy.


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