Crazy, Stupid, Love | Teen Ink

Crazy, Stupid, Love

November 10, 2019
By Anonymous

 Crazy, Stupid, Love proves to be a surprisingly charming movie that combines together comedy, drama and the meaning of love to form a classic in the making. The movie revolves around Cal Weaver, an adult father that seems to have just about it all. Cal has a successful job, loving children, a large house, and a wife that he loves named Emily. However, Cal soon witnesses all of this come crashing down when he receives some unexpected news from his wife. Emily informs him of how she wants to get a divorce after she's cheated on him with another man from the office. Stunned and shocked, Cal doesn't seem to know where to go next, seeing as he has only been with one person in his entire life. Cal is soon forced to move out of the house and leave behind his children, house and wife, who all used to define his life for so long. Unsure about what to do now, Cal finds himself constantly frequenting a local bar in an attempt to enter the dating scene once more. It is here where Cal meets Jacob Palmer, a slick talker that is an expert on hitting it off with the ladies and seems to know all there is to know about finding a date. Jacob quickly informs Cal that he needs to change his ways for both of their sakes. Doing a complete remodel of Cal, including changing his wardrobe and attitude, Jacob helps Cal become the man that seemed to have been lost long ago. As Cal attempts to find someone to go out with him, he must deal with his lingering feelings for his wife, his romantic son who has a crush on his babysitter, and so much more as he tries to find what it really means to be in love. 
 Crazy, Stupid, Love proves to be a delightfully charismatic movie that seems to have it all. There's hilarious comedy, delirious drama and a pinch of romance that brings it all together, which gives the movie a clearly defined purpose and adds so much cohesiveness to the movie. All of this creates a lighthearted tone that is thoroughly entertaining and unexpectedly well-executed, allowing the movie to become a must-watch that viewers didn't know they needed. There's the rare ability to produce meaningful and substantial characters in such a short time frame, and they all have crucial roles in conveying all of the differing aspects of love, from Cal struggling to deal with his divorce to his son trying to get his babysitter to like him. 

 Crazy, Stupid, Love may just be one concise story, but within it, there are several different storylines occurring, which all intertwine with one another by the movie's epic conclusion. This makes the movie unpredictable and a genuinely entertaining film that questions everything there is to know about romance. In all of the right ways, the movie composes a heartwarming story that manages to transform into an emotional roller coaster, becoming as complex as the ridiculous title. 

 While Crazy, Stupid, Love may appear to be just another dumb romantic comedy, it is actually very effective and resonates with the audience with ease. Aided by a star-studded cast that most certainly shines, the movie is able to become relatable for watchers, making the characters easy to root for and like. Both critics and viewers are in agreement with this astounding adventure, with Rotten Tomatoes giving the movie an impressive 79% and an outstanding 92% of Google users liking the movie. Without a doubt, this is definitely a must-see that will shatter expectations. It's that crazily, stupidly, delightful. 

The author's comments:

"You see, the problem is, your head is like, like the proportions of a Styrofoam peanut." - Jacob Palmer

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