Dead Connection by Charlie Price | Teen Ink

Dead Connection by Charlie Price

September 22, 2017
By judy_delgado BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
judy_delgado BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dead connection was a book about this boy named Murray Kiefer who had no friends and talked to character’s voices and tones sound like different people.dead people at graves and his mom wasn’t very good at being a mother and I don’t want to spoil anything so that’s just a little sneak peek. I really liked the book and it was very interesting. It’s very detailed with describing characters’ physical appearances. What the author did well was make each. 

It was like there was no climax because I felt like the whole book was just beginning to end. The plot was hard to follow because the climax wasn’t specific. ‘“Kids at school tease me about my name, Murray. Says it’s expired, like out of date. And I don’t know how they found out about my mom. Maybe some kid’s parent saw it in the paper when she was arrested for prostitution. She didn’t have to go to jail. And they ride me about my face. I’ve spent time looking in the mirror. I don’t think I’m so ugly. I’ve had some trouble with my pimples, but I bet everybody has to work on their pimples once in a while”’ (Cemetery/Price page 2) This quote means that he lived a hard life; He been made fun of because of how his mom and he also was made fun of because of his looks. That’s maybe why he wouldn’t want to tell anyone about his secret talking to dead people. ‘“Plus, real late at night and early, early morning are the best times to visit. It’s super quiet. Easy to hear. Easy to concentrate.”’ (Cemetery/Price 4) This quote describes how the cemetery was peaceful, quiet, and beautiful. I recommend this book to anyone who loves interesting supernatural books that aren’t scary.

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