xxxHOLiC Volume 1 | Teen Ink

xxxHOLiC Volume 1

March 23, 2009
By Anonymous

In xxxHOLiC, Clamp creates magical yet mysterious elements that exist in our world. The story somewhat has a dark side in addition to the comfortable city setting and the casual conversations between characters. The story starts out with a teenage boy entering a strange building as a result of escaping a spirit that only he could see. Inside, he meets a witch and her two child-like helpers. After a conversation they introduce each other' the boy being Kimihiro Watanuki and the witch being Yuko Ichihara (plus the helpers Maru-Dashi and Moro-Dashi). After a series of misleading word games, Watanuki now works for Yuko in return for losing his ability to see ghosts and spirits (when enough pay is collected of course). As the story goes on, Watanuki finds out what Yuko does for a living: running a gift shop which actually grants wishes, but in return, there must be a payment of equal importance and the determination to have that wish granted. After 'helping' two clients and learning a few significant values, Watanuki discovers the third client (or clients) has traveled to Yuko in the most strangest of ways.

I recommend this entire series to anyone that loves fantasy and the supernatural. One creative aspect about this series and that its timeline crosses with the timeline of another one of Clamp's works, Tsubasa Chronicle, and that both their plots and characters intertwine. Each book also has translation notes in case one does not understand the Japanese terms used. This book will be sure to amplify one's imagination and modify their view on life.


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