My Brother's Secret by Dan Smith | Teen Ink

My Brother's Secret by Dan Smith

March 2, 2017
By Anonymous

My Brothers Secret, a fictional book by Dan Smith is quite an interesting one. The story takes place in the 1940s, during the Holocaust. The novel deals with dark subject matters such as death and deep sorrow for a family. Once you start reading, you can’t stop.


Karl Engel, the main character in the story, is a 12-year-old boy living in Germany during World War 2. He is a nice, curious, and daring boy. He does things that you wouldn’t expect from a little kid. Karl Engel has blue eyes and blond hair. He is very aware of his surroundings. He treats other people in the story with a lot of respect. He is trying to join a Hitler youth group, the Edelweiss Pirates.


In the story, there are many minor characters that play big roles. Karl’s Grandma and Grandpa help a lot with Karl’s family when there was a great tragedy that happened to them. Also, Karl’s brother Stefan is very important in the story. He is the one that helps his little brother and looks out for him. He always puts him first. The minor characters also show respect to the other characters. They never talk back and never show attitude.


In the beginning of the story,  Karl’s dad dies. He died in combat in Russia. His death had a huge impact on the story. Especially on Karl’s mother. She was devastated. She cries constantly and is always in her room. Karl and Stefan try to comfort her but, nothing seems to work. The author Dan Smith, described it as pointless to try to help her.


The biggest problem in the story is Hitler. Stefan thinks the reason why his dad died was because of him. Hitler was the one who sent him to fight in Russia. And he wants his revenge. He thinks the only way to solve this problem is to join the Edelweiss Pirates. And they do. The Edelweiss Pirates do many things, such as fighting against Hitler and the German army.


My Brother’s Secret is a great book. Author Dan Smith does a fabulous job and readers feel as if they are in the middle of the action. I would recommend this book for 6-8 graders. I think they will enjoy it as much as I did. Also, if anybody loves World War 2 or the Holocaust, this would be a perfect book for them. I say this because the author gives true facts about the Edelweiss Pirates and the great World War.

The author's comments:

I'm new with this, this is my first time submitting publicly. 

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This article has 1 comment.

chasebush said...
on Nov. 3 2017 at 12:10 pm
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
I read this after reading the Edelweiss Pirates series by Mark A. Cooper. It was okay but a little boring, nothing really happened its was predictable, I prefer the original Edelweiss Pirates novels