On The Fence by Kasie West | Teen Ink

On The Fence by Kasie West

January 26, 2017
By kamillebalcom BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
kamillebalcom BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

West, Kasie. On the Fence. New York, NY. HarperTeen: an Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers,
2014. 293.

It doesn’t take much for Charlie to realize that all she’s ever wanted is right next door. Being raised by a single father, three older brothers, and her honorary fourth one, Braden, makes Charlie a total jock. She can outwit and outscore any boy she meets, but when it comes to hair or makeup, Charlie knows about as much as her brothers do: nothing. So when Charlie gets a job at a girly boutique to pay for a speeding ticket, she finds herself immersed in a bizarre new world of makeup and dresses. When Charlie arrives home that day, she finds herself pacing the backyard thinking about how awful her job is only to find out that Braden her long time friend is up as well. They begin talking, and the stress of Charlie's job slowly begins to fade. But her late night talks with Braden can't satisfy the feelings she is beginning to develop for him. She can't believe she has been missing out on so much for so long. Charlie knows she should tell him, but worries if he knows how she really feels, she'll lose one of her best friends for good.

On The Fence kept me on my toes the whole time! I loved every single page! I especially loved how Kasie West wrote the book from Charlie’s point of view. It really helped me get to know her personality and how she felt. You could feel her passion and strength throughout the story. I felt like I was Charlie because of the author's ability to show the characters’ emotions. This book was a great story about the importance of friendship, love, and being yourself. I would recommend this to kids and adults of all ages because I think everyone can learn a little something from Charlie’s experience. You don’t need to change for anyone because the right person will love you for you. And who knows, the right person may be right around the corner.


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