Push by Sapphire by Sapphire | Teen Ink

Push by Sapphire by Sapphire

January 25, 2017
By mariagonzalez BRONZE, Sacramento , California
mariagonzalez BRONZE, Sacramento , California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sapphire, the author of a book called push. Push is about a girl named Claireece Precious Jones but everyone calls her Precious.  Her dad had been raping her since she was a child and had her first kid by him when she was 12. Her kid is a girl and she has down syndrome. Her mom knew that her dad was raping her, but she didn't care and when her dad left them she blamed it Precious that he left. Her mom would make her watch tv and she would make her over eat, also she would make her cook. So, when she was 16 she was pregnant again and she got suspended from school because of it. The principal had went to her house a couple days later and talked to her about a program called each one teach one. They help them get their GED. Also she was in the 9th grade when she was suppose to be in the 11th grade. So she kept going to the program and she kept on improving in writing. She had her son when she wasn't living with her mom but she was living in a home for women. One day her mom told her that her dad died from HIV and because he had raped her she had to get tested. So she got tested and she was HIV positive and she was thinking that her baby has HIV. anyways at the end she has improved so much also that she got her daughter because before she didn’t have her but now she does and she has her son. She's just improved so much.

I recommend this book to kids maybe around my age like 14 to 17 because its a really good book, easy to understand and it teaches you a few life lessons. The book would make you want to just try harder in everything because it made me want to do my best. It’s kind of heartbreaking story but honestly it’s really motivating. Like even though she had two kids, was 16 in the 9th grade and barely knew how to write. She still managed to push through and get her GED. she found a way even though she didn’t even have her own home to live in and still didn’t give up.

Precious has changed so much so much mentally from the beginning to the end. Like her spelling in the beginning was horrible but at the end it was way better. For example “i was left back when i was twelve because i had a baby for my fahver” that was the first sentence in the book. “He pulling on my earring, want me to stop daydreaming and read him a story before nap time. I do”. That was the last sentence of the book. So that really shows how much she has improved in writing. Before as you can see she didn’t even know how to spell father and now she can spell daydreaming like that’s kind of a big step.

Precious kind of reminds me of the boy from A Child Called “it”. She reminds me of him because they were both blamed for things they didn’t do. For example Precious was blamed for her dad leaving when her dad left on his own. The boy dave was blamed for his mom having alcohol problem and for his dad leaving. One thing that was different about them was that Dave’s mom would make him starve and Precious mom would over feed her. Another thing is that dave had a harder life than Precious because dave was basically fighting for his life, like he was  constantly beat, cute, and starved. Precious yeah she got raped and i know that’s hard to go through but she didn’t have such a bad life. Well i guess they were kind of the same but Dave’s was worse. 


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