Saving Zasha by Randi Barrow | Teen Ink

Saving Zasha by Randi Barrow

April 11, 2016
By CarryOnMyWaywardSon SILVER, Hemet, California
CarryOnMyWaywardSon SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just do it! Yesterday you said tomorrow, so just do it! Don't let your dreams be dreams!" -Shia Labeouf

The Nazi reign has just ended and peace flows through Europe, but there is still a feeling of hate for all things German. One boy must put everything on the line to save his newly adopted German Shepherd from the hate brought upon it by Russia.
Saving Zasha, by Randi Barrow, takes place after the second World War had just ended. Russia’s hate for Germany is still extremely high however and most Russians want to destroy all things German. A young boy on finds a cut, bleeding, and ruined man crawling from the wilderness behind his home. As the bloodied man crawls out the boy sees the man’s dog, a German Shepherd. The family takes the man and dog in, but soon they are just left with the dog. The dog, Zasha as the man called her, is a beautiful dog, but is still hated in Russia. Now Mikhail and his family must do whatever they can to protect Zasha.

The book projects on key ideas such as discrimination and judgment. Mikhail is able to look past the dog's origins and see the beauty of it. Now he has to make others see it as well.

I highly recommend this book as it is fun and interesting to read as well as informational. Despite age or maturity this book can teach us all a little something about acceptance.


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