The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen

April 1, 2016
By kiaramiller BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
kiaramiller BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Colby, North Carolina a small beach town is where the main character Emaline lived with her family. She is just a normal girl living her life with the people that she loves, preparing herself for her future. Her best friends Daisy, Morris and Luke, her boyfriend, just finish their last year in high school. Their summer are always busy having to work a lot because there are a lot of tourists that come to their town to get away and relax, and there is alway someone from her town that falls for one of the tourists for their summer love. Emaline and Daisy always talked about how they will never fall for tourists because they know that the relationship will probably never last. That was until, a New York tourist named Theo, he was assisting on a documentary film that was about a local artist in Colby. Theo is not like anyone that she has ever meet. After he was getting to know Emaline, he knew that she was way too smart for this small beach town in North Carolina. He was not the only one in her live that believe that she needs more then what Colby can offer her. Her father that is never around because he left her mother before she was born, believes that Emaline has so much potential that an Ivy League education will be best for her.
In The Moon and More the themes that goes throughout the book; happiness might not be what you actually think it is, your life is affected by everything little choice you make, people can help you or hurt you even if you might not notice until it happens. Problems that the characters face are with boyfriend/ex boyfriend, brothers, sisters, father, Dad, mother, and people that they just meet and do not really know that well.
I really enjoyed this book, because this book has a lot of truth in it and it also has a way connecting, somehow to your life. To me this story was really well wrote because it was very easy to understand and also very easy to get into the book, that you can’t stop reading it and you feel like you are part of the story or that it is taking place right in front of you.  Each chapter throws in a twist or a situation that the characters have to figure out what to do and the best way to do that, that is morally right. I personally believed that every little detail in the story does affect the ending of the book, and the ending is not how you might think a love story might end up. If you are looking for a romance book, a book on life lessons, or a book that connects to how people live today this is a great book to read and it might even change the way you see or do things in your life.

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