Diary of a Wimpy Kid the last straw | Teen Ink

Diary of a Wimpy Kid the last straw

February 26, 2009
By Jsutin Rush BRONZE, Washinton Crossing, Pennsylvania
Jsutin Rush BRONZE, Washinton Crossing, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dumb. Stupid. Boring. Those are the three words that Greg has been described as for as long as he can remember. In Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Last Straw, Greg Heffely is a fourteen-year-old boy who is always looked at like a wimp and a loser. Greg's dad wants him to go to military academy over the summer to toughen him up and earn more respect. Greg's dad also wants him to start to play soccer but Greg decides if his dad doesn't know that he isn't playing nothing can hurt him.

As Greg advances through the book he decides that he really doesn't want to go to military academy. He tries to prove to his dad that he can buff up and get a life to save himself from military academy. When Greg needs money because somebody in his house is stealing all the lunchbox treats he comes up with ideas on how to earn some cash. He says to Rowley, his best friend, 'we should make a time capsule and each pot something valuable to each other in the box '. Greg puts in his t-shirt and Rowley puts in fifty dollars. Greg's plan was to dig up the time capsule and get the money and after he did he felt very guilty.

This is a great book for anybody. It doesn't matter if you are ten or twenty, Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Last Straw is a very upbeat book. Diary of a wimpy Kid the Last Straw is written in a comic book style so if you're any reader who loves comic like books, with an extremely funny plot, you should read Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Last Straw.


This article has 1 comment.

bored2tears said...
on Jan. 8 2010 at 5:20 am
i love diary of a wimpy kid!

but it seems like every book is exactly the same