Generation Me by Jean M. Twenge | Teen Ink

Generation Me by Jean M. Twenge

February 8, 2009
By Chrisleigh Jones BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Chrisleigh Jones BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I picked up Generation Me, feeling like I already knew everything there was to know about my own generation, but as I started reading, I found that the author, Jean M. Twenge, Ph.D. had more to say about the topic than I thought. Twenge writes with a humorous voice that keeps the reader wanting to continue. I had trouble sitting it down, even though I felt like I was being criticized for acts I am not always guilty of while reading it. Twenge uses examples from the lives of young people around America to prove her point that 'generation me' really is all about itself. It is also suggests that we are wrapped up in our need to be an individual, have unrealistic goals, and are more prone to failure and depression. While reading the countless number of statistics, it was hard not to agree with Twenge in her view of our generation; however, in the end, I could not get myself to accept Twenge's implication that there was no hope for my generation. Sure, we have not always had the best repetition of being the most conservative generation, but neither do we all live life in a state of depression like mentioned on the cover of the book. Overall, the book makes several good points, but beware, the contents inside may seem shocking.


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