Snake in my Toilet by G.T. Sherman | Teen Ink

Snake in my Toilet by G.T. Sherman

April 8, 2015
By Anonymous

“Fear is just a feeling, you can get over it.”(Candidman) Snake in my Toilet was written by G.T. Sherman. This story is a fiction story about the boy named Cameron, who finds out that is the snake is in his toilet. I really like this story.

Cameron is a protagonist in the story, who always gets bullied from DK. One day Cameron sees DK bullies the girl name Jade. She is kind of a girl likes to wear a new color of nail polish each day and picks a cell phone to match her shoes. But now she looks scared because DK is swinging a snake in his hand to her face. But she realizes that snake is not real, so she didn't scare any more. She has made a fool of DK. Then, DK looks for another victim, which is Cameron. That night Cameron cannot sleep because he keeps thinking about the threat of DK. He walks to the toilet, he suddenly sees the snake in the toilet. He screams out loud, that’s made his mother and sister wake up. They rushes at him and asks him what’s happened. He tells them what he sees. They look down at the toilet bowl. It is empty. His mother says Cameron has a nightmare. Cameron tries to explain, but no one believes him. If you were Cameron’s mother, would you believe him or not?

The author's comments:

One reason, I like about this story because it’s interesting and entertaining. The story is kind of short because the plot of the story keeps more interesting and interesting. When Cameron gets the problem from the school, he runs out. Then he comes home and sees the snake in the toilet, he cannot runs because he needs to sleep in there, so he needs to fight. As you can see, there is some part that’s made Cameron needs to fight to his fear. That’s why I think this story is interesting.

Latest reason, I like this book because I like the protagonist. First, the protagonist is a weak person. So he is a victim of a bully from DK. If you read almost the last chapter you will see how he changed. He dares to argue and fight with DK. Cameron reminds me when I was young. I was afraid to answer the teacher question because I was afraid that my answer it would be wrong. But now I changes, I dares to give my opinion to everybody. I like the protagonist because it related to me.

If you want to know how he struggles with fear, I suggest you read this book.


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