The Fault in Our Stars | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars

December 11, 2014
By Anonymous

“She is so beautiful. You don’t get tired of looking at her”

The Fault in our Stars is about two characters Hazel and Augustus. They were both suffering from cancer although Hazel did not know that Augustus’ cancer came back. The two characters met a support group for cancer patients. When Augustus first laid eyes on Hazel he knew he wanted to be with her. Hazel was playing hard to get but at the end she fell for him. They started to hang out more and more.  At some point Hazel introduced a book to Augustus. They were both in love with it and wanted to meet the author. The author lived in Amsterdam so Augustus decided to surprise Hazel and take her to Amsterdam. While there they met the author and explored the city. Augustus and Hazel slowly fell in love, but towards the end of the trip Hazel found out that Augustus cancer had return. As the days grew Augustus grew sicker and sicker but did not tell Hazel. One night Augustus got really ill and called Hazel crying. He was token to the hospital where he later passed away. Later on Hazel found letters that Augustus had left her and she found some peace. I recommend this book to any teenager that loves to read love novels. It was a great book to show that no matter the situation there is always there to love you in sickness and health.


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