Zoo By James Patterson | Teen Ink

Zoo By James Patterson

August 29, 2014
By KrogersButtons BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
KrogersButtons BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Snake is gone

     Did you know that James Patterson won person of the year in 2010 and was on the cover of Time Magazine? I read a book recently by James Patterson and I loved it. "Zoo" is about mammals all over the world are attacking humans and Jackson Oz has to stop them. Jackson meets an ecologist named Chloe Tousigant and together they will try to warn the world leaders to help stop this pandemic. I would recommend this book to teens and young adults who like action and sci-fi.

     This book is most likely geared towards teenagers and young adults. "Zoo" has many scenes with cuss words in them and it also has a few adult scenes. It was still a good book and I didn't mind the cuss words and adult scenes at all. If your parents don't mind the cuss words or adult scenes then I would recommend it to almost everyone. 

     In "Zoo" the author captured most of the scenes perfectly with the right emotions that the characters felt. One scene I remember is a kid is stuck inside his house with a bloodthirsty dog. I could feel his fear and the intensity in the situation until help finally arrived. This book in my opinion has the best voice/emotions I have ever read. James Patterson did really well on this great book.

     "Zoo" starts out in New York City where Jackson Oz and his chimpanzee are living in an apartment. Later on Jackson goes to Africa with his friend Abe. While he is in Africa he meets Chloe Tousigant and saves her life. Jackson and Chloe go back to the U.S. And tries to warn the     world leaders of the animal pandemic. Towards the end of the book Jackson is in Washington D.C. trying to convince the president to save the world. 

     In conclusion "Zoo" is one of my most favorite books I have ever read. I would recommend this book to everyone I know. A few of my friends read and one is doing a book report on it. James Patterson really blew my mind with this great boo. I hope this review has helped you decide if you want to get this book or not. 

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