Delirium by Lauren Oliver | Teen Ink

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

May 8, 2014
By megangrace1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
megangrace1 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever anticipated something beyond belief? Waiting, counting everyday until it finally comes? In Delirium (book one of three) by Lauren Oliver, the protagonist Lena Haloway knows this feeling better than anyone. She can’t wait until she is finally safe, safe from the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone. Love. Delirium (the scientific term for love) is “The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and when you don’t”. The author has done a remarkable job with this book. It is very well written down to the last detail. She gave enough descriptions so that I could easily see what was happening without going into too much depth that I would fall asleep in the middle of the first chapter. No author could have done a better job than Lauren Oliver herself.
Lauren had done an amazing job portraying her unique characters. Lena is so confident in herself until she needs it the most. She gets herself in some major trouble and can’t seem to fix any of it. This not so innocent girl seems to be biting off more than she can chew. Lena’s best friend Hana is perfect, she’s rich, popular and beautiful. Hana and Lena have been friends forever. Even if they are polar opposites they will always be there for each other no matter how crazy it gets. Alex, Lena’s close friend, is mysterious yet somehow open to anything you want to know about him. He and Lena begin to spend a little too much time together. Will Lena fall for this attractive secretive boy?
I think one of the best things in this novel is how the author is an expert at getting every possible emotion from you. She makes you happy as Lena enjoys her newfound point of view on life. Then she wrenches that feeling away with a solemn tone that could make anyone cry. My favorite part is when she makes the quick switches of emotions. One moment you are enjoying a quiet calm summer day, and the next thing you know everything is turned upside down. I had experienced every emotion from anger to a deep loneliness and everything in between.
This book is a must read dystopian. Lauren Oliver has created a masterpiece. She arose questions in my mind about the way we live and weather love is really worth what comes out of it. On the other hand how could anyone live without emotions? I believe this book gives a great new perspective on the world and everyone inside of it. Delirium summed up into one sentence is a forbidden love story about how far two people will go to ensure their eternal happiness.

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