The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb | Teen Ink

The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb

May 2, 2014
By Gnarfleez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Gnarfleez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Nazi Hunters is an exciting and riveting story of the infamous SS leader Adolf Eichmann and his capture. Eichmann was one of few high ranking men in Hitler’s regime and he was responsible for the capture of the Jews and the organization of the Final Solution. After World War II, Eichmann and his family escaped to Argentina and were hidden until the Israeli government began pursuing them. Through clever and covert operations they were found, tracked, and captured. This was a very interesting and suspenseful book that I very much enjoyed.

I found this book to be exciting and attention – grabbing. First off, it really exemplified an accurate reflection of real life. Being a true story written off of the stories told by the people who were involved in this operation, this very accurately reflects real life. Second, I felt the writer did an extremely good job of creating artistry through detail. He described the death camps, the Argentinian towns and cities, and the people in the story in a way that created an image in your head, giving you a clear idea of what things looked like. Third and finally, in the review I read over this book on Amazon, I felt like the author of the review really concentrated on his personal belief and how it matched the authors beliefs. This is a common belief, that the man who committed these awful crimes, Adolf Eichmann, deserved to be captured and put on trial. This is also a personal belief I agree with strongly because he was in charge of carrying out horrible acts committed against the Jewish people. I felt that the author of The Nazi Hunters did an outstanding job of telling the story of the men searching for Eichmann

Many literary elements were used very well in this book. I really enjoyed reading this book because I really enjoy reading about history. Other people who are interested in history would really appreciate this book because it has history and excitement all throughout it. I really liked all the elements of this book and how the author portrayed the stories of many and how the facts were given to the reader. Definitely read this book!

The author's comments:
This is a great book


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