Death's Shadow by Darren Shan | Teen Ink

Death's Shadow by Darren Shan

November 25, 2008
By Anonymous

Darren Shan's Death's Shadow was released in the U.S. in October of 2008. It is the seventh book in his Demonata Series. I thought that the first book in the series, Lord Loss, was much better because it was original. Now that he has written so many books, Death's Shadow seems redundant. I have read almost everything that Darren Shan has written, and I believe that this is not one of his better works. If you like graphic, violent books with multiple plot twists, then I believe you would like this book, but I would recommend that you read the first six books of the series before this one because it would be very difficult to understand unless you have the background knowledge. I would give this book a three out of five because although it was a good read, I thought that it could have been written better.


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