Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson | Teen Ink

Paranoid Park by Blake Nelson

April 8, 2014
By Anonymous

This is a story that skaters can relate to. Is about an everyday skater who makes a wrong choice. It’s an interesting book that is a worth a shot.
Prep is a boy who has a passion for skating. However after a bad choice his life starts to fall apart. He can no longer feel save he has to keep looking over his shoulder.
Prep and his new friend decide to hop a train. A security guard sees them and goes after them. Things start to get bad and the guard ends up getting hit in the head with a skateboard. He gets knocked out unconscious on the train tracks. A train comes and cuts the guard in half.
I would recommend this book to teens and adults. Since this book is about a teen who makes a wrong choice. If your looking for s good book to read I would recommend this one.

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