The Peak by Rolland smith | Teen Ink

The Peak by Rolland smith

April 4, 2014
By jacob sells BRONZE, Moundsville Wv, West Virginia
jacob sells BRONZE, Moundsville Wv, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t think that I would ever say this, but I’m starting to like the book called Peak. I think it’s a good book. I didn’t like it at first but we are pretty far and it’s good. It’s about a boy and his family and friends. His name is Peak. He’s 14, his dad is a mountain climber and has decided to take Peak to the summit of Mt. Everest.
He is only 14 years old and he wants to climb mountain Everest. He was climbing a skyscraper up a wall and got caught. He went through some things with the court and then it was decided that he’s go and live with his dad. Josh, Peak’s father takes climbers up Mt. Everest. Now that he has Peak, he gets to go, too.
I think the book was very well written and I would suggest it for most readers. If you’re looking for a book with adventure, I would suggest Peak. It was written by Roland Smith who is known for writing adventure books. It’s a favorite of mine, definitely! Very good book.
So, as you can tell, I really like Peak. I think that you will too! His friends dad got arrested for something like helping him climb the skyscarpper. This book is really good I think you will like it if you ever get to nread it. We are reading it in my reading class. We take turns reading it because if not I wouldn’t know any of it.

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