Just Listen by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

March 13, 2014
By wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
40 articles 0 photos 3 comments

“Annabel a girl who has everything”…. Or that is what everyone thought…

Just Listen by, a New York Bestselling author, Sarah Dessen is a realistic-fiction book that tells about a young teen, Annabel, whose life is filled with love, loss, and drama. Her sister has an eating disorder. Her two best friends are not friends with her anymore. In addition, Annabel wants to quit modeling but does not know how to tell her mom. She had just about given up on everything until she met Owen, a boy she had met in school. Will Owen led her out of this life of nothing but loss…. through music?

Just Listen is a captivating book; it made me smile, gasp, and cry. Sarah Dessen does a great job of telling the story of a teen who just about gave up, and who wouldn’t, she had problems with friends and family and could do nothing but listen to the rumors around her. In my opinion this is a great book for teens and young adults going through hard times and a great inspiration to not give up whatever happens … Don’t forget to read her next book Lock and Key!


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