The Outsiders | Teen Ink

The Outsiders

November 10, 2008
By Anonymous

We were reading the book called, “The Outsiders.” I think that everybody should read this book. I want to tell you how I think the book was. Also one of the main ideas that will be in the story is the killing. The purpose of the book review is to tell you more about the book.

There are several characters in the book. The main character in the book is ponyboy. He also plays the narrator in the story. The other characters in the story is Dallas, Sodapop, Darry, Johnny, and Two-Bit. They are in a gang. There are three gangs in the story. The gangs are the Greasers, Tim Shepard, and the Socs. One of the main points in the story is the night when Johnny (Greasers) kills Bob (Soc)

Anyways as you can tell, the Greasers and the Socs don't get along. The Shepard's though like the Greasers. The killing happened whenever ponyboy ran away because Darry hit him. The went to the park to get settled down. That's until the Socs showed up. Then they had a verbal fight and then a fist fight sort of. Some of the Socs were drowning Ponyboy in a fountain. Then, Johnny stabbed Bob (Socs) and then the other Socs ran away. This was what the whole book was basically surrounded around.

So I think it was a really good book. It does truly show you the different things that can happen in gangs. So basically, the book is about really. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is thinking about reading it

You could check out or look into to buying this book at probably any bookstore you can find. Read this book. It is very good. It may teach you a lesson. It is very good. Read this book!!!


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 12 2008 at 11:17 pm
To be honest, I believe you gave away a little too much. Especially with the part about Johnny stabbing the Soc. Otherwise it was relatively good. Just try not to give so much away next time! ~Tandem