See You At Harry's by Jo Knowles | Teen Ink

See You At Harry's by Jo Knowles

December 6, 2013
By infinitybabeei1817 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
infinitybabeei1817 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't be afraid to be who you are cause one day, none of that will matter anymore"

If you’re looking for a book filled with depression and excitement, then See You At Harry’s is the book for you! The book takes place in a family restaurant. The protagonist, Fern, is a character who falls into a state of depression after a dramatic accident happened containing her baby brother. She was in charge of baby-sitting him, but she took her eyes off for just a moment. He was almost hit by a car, but he had saved himself just in time, at least that’s what Fern thought.

My favorite part about this book is when at the end, everything get better for a while. I would recommend this book because it is amazing and full of emotion. Trust me, this book is superbly amazing.

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