Hero of the Underground by Jason Peter | Teen Ink

Hero of the Underground by Jason Peter

October 25, 2013
By Carlosm BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Carlosm BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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Hero, usually when someone reads or hears the word hero they immediately think of their favorite superhero for example Superman or Batman, but in this story the word hero relates to a drug addict. The fascinating book Hero of the Underground was written by Jason Peter and Tony O’Neill. This is a non-fiction story with Jason Peter being the main character. The book describes Jason’s life and how he fought against drugs. The book may seem like it is about football but the main point is drug abuse.

The book started with a lot of drug abuse. Jason Peter and his girlfriend were both getting high of, of cocaine. This really set up the book, because it introduced us to his drug addiction and how he was dealing with it. Then it went back into time to where he was drug free athlete who was trying to get into the Nebraska Cornhuskers. Jason succeeded and he had his best football career in college because he was the one of the best player on his team. His senior year they went undefeated and won the championship. Once he got drafted into the NFL his whole life started to change. He began taking pain killers which later led to more illegal drugs. The story from this point forward is really amazing and inspirational but for you to find out his life-changing adventure you have to read the book.

This book is truly one of the best books you can read. It engages the reader more and more with every page you flip. The book makes you as reader feel like the drugs that Jason is taking not even seem like a big detail. The author showed with great detail Jason’s dedication to the sport he loved and it made me feel like playing football. The author also makes you understand the reason behind why Jason started taking his pain medications.

I would only recommend this book to mature readers. It has a lot of inappropriate language and drug usage. This book is a tough one to read, but it makes you comprehend another person’s struggle in life. If you are the type of person who likes reading what another’s life is like then this book would perfectly fit you. If you are going to read this book then you have to find a really comfortable seat because you won’t be able to stop. This book always leaves you in shock; it makes you always want to know more. Hero of the Underground is a really great book that takes you for a ride.


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