Banner by James Ramsey Ullman | Teen Ink

Banner by James Ramsey Ullman

September 6, 2013
By Tiffey_25 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Tiffey_25 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard"

Book and Author: Banner in the Sky; James Ramsey Ullman.
Number of Stars (1-5): 4

James Ramsey Ullman is an American writer and Mountaineer. He was born in New York, but he did not have much growing up. He also has written two other books. The books are “Third Man on The Mountain” and “The White Tower”. He is known for his vivid details and shocking climaxes and endings. He is associated with many books that are about climbing.

Rudi Matt was a small kid with big dreams. He grew up in in a small town near the Alps. As a young kid he grows up being bullied and picked on because he is not as big as the other kids. His family did not have much so he worked at a restaurant cleaning dishes. His family contains of a mom and dad. But his Dad died while trying to climb the tallest mountain in the world. It is called the citadel. Unfortunately his mom and uncle want him to have nothing to do with his father’s passion.

Rudi has been thinking about this his whole life. He hasn’t told anybody about it. He suddenly decides to get a crew together and try and conquer the mountain. They decide to leave early in the mourning so no one will know when they left. There are a total of four people going. They are all experienced climbers. But they will be in for the climb of their life. Will they make to the top? Or will they stop and quit? It all seems to be

Overall this book was very good. It had good characters and was interesting in all parts of the book. The climax made me not want to stop reading the book. This book was very intense with many vivid details. The author did a great job by describing the characters too.

In conclusion I would recommend this book to many details. There are no boring spots. This book is always throwing something at you. It is also fun and intense. It is just a great book to read. That is why I recommend it to everybody.

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