Everyday | Teen Ink


May 3, 2013
By cdessables BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
cdessables BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday written by David Levithan is a well-written story about a boy named “A” who wakes up in a different body each day and lives their life for a day. “A” lives in the body of Justin for a day and surely falls in love with Justin’s girlfriend named Rhiannon. Ever since that moment of his life, “A” has been determined to be with Rhiannon and spend the rest of his life with her. This comes with consequences and obstacles as “A” wakes up a different body everyday and makes things very difficult for him. This book written by David Levithan is a compelling love story that makes you keep reading and reading each and every day. This book was hard to put down and I loved every part of it. As using and analyzing the 7-yard sticks into this book, I was able to use Clarity as the first one. It was very clear to read and was appropriate for our age group. It wouldn’t jump around and it was well written. The only annoying thing about this was that it would jump people every chapter so you would have to adapt to the new person “A” was. David Levithan made it easy to understand and I am glad the clarity was as clear as possible. David Levithan made this story tranquil and easy to escape in to. I was able to escape from the real world and put myself in “A’s” situations during the story. This is a story that would never happen in real life, but at the same time, I was able to escape and make it a reality. This reflection of reality however is different from most stories. He wakes up in a different body everyday which is clearly impossible but David Levithan makes a good reflection of reality by the way he sorts “A’s” love for Rhiannon. Love is a real thing that everyone will encounter in their lives and although it is not much of a reflection of reality of changing bodies every day, the love for this girl is a reality that a guy can relate too. David Levithan was much very descriptive in his writing. It was clear and made various images in my mind while reading which made me like this book even more than I already do. David Levithan was very consistent during this story. He did not jump around, there were no loose ends and they were all tied up at the end which I loved. David Levithan made my personal beliefs grow even more towards love. Love is a real thing that everyone will experience and the love “A” shows for Rhiannon made it clear to me that once you fall in love, it’s hard to forget. Love is an important issue. Levithan made that clear during this book and love is a thing you need to be married. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this compelling love story and it has helped me grow as a young growing teenager.


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