Eve & Adam by Micheal Grant and Katherine Applegate | Teen Ink

Eve & Adam by Micheal Grant and Katherine Applegate

February 9, 2013
By mb777 GOLD, Thornwood, New York
mb777 GOLD, Thornwood, New York
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Man has the power to create more than what is thought of to be humanly possible. Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate, the authors of Eve and Adam, clearly demonstrate this complex idea through their work in Eve and Adam.

In Eve and Adam, the action starts right away. A seventeen year old girl named Evening Spiker gets into an accident that opens doors to the new world that belongs to her mother, Dr. Terra Spiker. In order to hide a secret that has been kept for years Evening is taken out of a hospital in critical condition and is brought to the place where her mother works every day. When there, Evening is treated by her mother‘s workers and gets to become familiar to the place her mother is in charge of. Because Evening is brought into this new environment she meets new people and is assigned a task by her mother. The task: to create the perfect man using a computer program. But this program turns out to be more than just a task designed to keep Evening busy.

The writing of Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate really makes the reader feel as if they are taking part in the suspenseful action-packed story through the use of different perspectives. The story is told through the use of the characters Evening, Solo, and Adam’s perspectives so the reader gets a view of each character’s thoughts on different situations. A building completely controlled by Evening’s mother full of technology, science, criminals, and secrets is the main setting. Evening discovering more and more about herself and discovering how to handle her new life moves the plot right along.

Reading this book is recommended for those who want to find out what humans are really capable of. I was truly impressed with Eve and Adam.


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