Rats of NIMH | Teen Ink

Rats of NIMH

January 8, 2013
By SydniC BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
SydniC BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you pick up a book about rats, you would think that you wouldn’t want to read it. I decided to give this book a try. It takes you on a journey, through a world unlike no other.

The author's comments:
Did you ever wonder if rats have an actual life like us humans? Well this book shows you that they do. A mother rat has a sick child and she will do anything to get him better. She would even sacrifice her own life for his. They even consider moving from their home into the nearby hospital.

I think that this was a very good book. It is more for intermediate level readers but really anyone can read this book. It will make your imagination live again. If you enjoy reading fiction books, then I suggest this for you.

In conclusion I believe that Robert did a very good job when writing this book. It will pull you in and keep you reading. The minute I started reading this book I never stopped.

My final review of this book is five stars. I really enjoyed this book. I think that everyone one would enjoying reading this book. It was very well written, and it had a very interesting plot.


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