Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer | Teen Ink

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer

January 12, 2013
By TopOfTheWorld SILVER, Vancouver, Other
TopOfTheWorld SILVER, Vancouver, Other
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Delilah McPhee, who is sent to social Siberia after breaking the head cheerleader’s kneecap, aspires to live happily ever after with Prince Oliver, who is in fact, just a fictional character. He is the main character of a picture book called “Between the Lines” that Delilah just can’t stop reading. In the story, Prince Oliver, just like a typical prince, fights monsters and rescues the damsel in distress and lives happily ever after. Delilah knows that it’s childish and cheesy but she cannot bring herself to stop. To her, the story seems to be real.

Prince Oliver is tired of everything. He is tired of rescuing the brain-dead princess who thinks that he loves her, and he’s tired of playing chess everyday with his best friend who is a dog. He is deprived of motivation and discouraged by the fact that he will only be existing as a stupid picture that continuously have to act whenever someone opens the book. He wonders how the outside world would look like. Does the reader realize that the characters continue on with their lives ever after the book is closed? Then, one day, Delilah notices that something’s are not right on the book.

This is one of the most complicated but mind-absorbing book that I have ever read. The idea of characters being active even after the closing of the book was remarkable. Most of the people think that story ends after the book is closed. I recommend this book to anyone who has enjoyed the movie, “Inception”, because it’s sort of based on the same logic.


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