The New Girl Who Found a Dead Body by Milda Harris | Teen Ink

The New Girl Who Found a Dead Body by Milda Harris

January 10, 2013
By HLM88 BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
HLM88 BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;El amor es para siepre&quot;<br /> - Everything will be okay in the end, if it&#039;s not okay, then it&#039;s not the end

Book title and author: The Girl Who Found a Dead Body by Milda Harris
Title of review:
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4

Are you a teenager looking for the perfect mystery book? Do you enjoy suspenseful books that keep you on the edge of your seat? This is the book for you!

Description and summary of main points
Chloe moves to California for her senior year of high school. You see, she wants to attend film school. Jake, a childhood friend, and his mom lets Chloe live in their house. The dread of being the new girl is on her mind. As soon as she gets to Jake’s house, Jake and his girlfriend are going to attend Lora Kelly’s End of the Summer Party. This party occurs every year. Chloe is invited to join them, but little does she know what is going to happen that dreadful night.

Lora Kelly is the most popular girl at school, also Jake’s ex-girlfriend. Chloe and her entourage arrive at the bash after fifteen minutes of driving. Kate, Jake’s crazy girlfriend, and Jake get into an argument and try to settle their differences somewhere Chloe isn’t around. Then, Chloe gets hungry and decides to raid the snack table. Here, is where she meets Emily, her soon to be best friend. After they talk for a little bit, Chloe sees a bonfire and makes the decision to join the teens. On her journey down the stairs, she runs into Grey. They talk for a little while and then Chloe continues down the stairs. Boom! She trips over something into the sand. She can’t tell what it is, but it feels wet. Finally, she gets up and when she sees what she fallen over, the terror sweeps over her face. Lora Kelly’s body is laying there with a knife lodged in her throat. Blood is seeping everywhere.

Chloe’s first day of school is horrible. The murder is on everyone’s mind and they know Chloe was the one that found her. Chloe finds threatening notes in her locker. Then, another murder occurs. Two murders in a matter of one week! Chloe is worried that she is next. She starts investigating the crime to find out the murderer. As she searches, she finds some valuable information. The ending will shock you…
Your final review

I enjoyed this book very much. The suspense had me on the edge of my seat the entire time it took me to complete it. It was a fairly quick book to finish. Three days is all it took for me. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys mystery novels. Whether you are a teenager or a young adult this book is for you. Happy reading!

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