My Last Bestfriend by Julie Browie | Teen Ink

My Last Bestfriend by Julie Browie

January 8, 2013
By Jada Caldwell BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Jada Caldwell BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book is over My Last Best friend by Julie Browie. This book would grab you attention when you first read the title.

In the book My Last Best friend, Ida loses a best friend but will she gain one? This book takes you back to elementary school. Ida she is going into the 4th grade, and plans on not making any friends since her Last Best friend moved away. One of the girls that are in Ida’s fourth grade class room hates her, so she has everybody not pay any attention to her. Until there was a new girl, named Stacey that moved to their school and is in Ida’s class. Ida wants to get rid of her fear of talking to different people so instead of going up to Stacey and saying hello she writes anonymous letters to her. Later Jenna, the girl that hates Ida, tries to keep Stacey from her. But will Stacey and Ida ever be best friends at the end?

I feel like the author did a wonderful job writing this book. Basically, because I love and it’s rare that I like books like this one because it feel kind of childish. It also relates to me when I was in elementary school. This book is great with a lot of meaning. A weakness of the book is why Jenna hated Ida; I wondered that trough out the whole book.

If you read this book I will grantee you will like it. This book is about making new friends. If you need help with that this is that the book for you. If not don’t read it, unless you like reading stories about friendship. So in the meantime find this book and read it!

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