Swim the Fly by Don Calame | Teen Ink

Swim the Fly by Don Calame

June 25, 2012
By Birdsong PLATINUM, Vancouver, Other
Birdsong PLATINUM, Vancouver, Other
38 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Now here's a book your guy friends don't want you to read! Raunchy, funny, witty, and did I say raunchy, this is one of the most entertaining reads I've ever come across.

Each summer, Matt, Sean, and Cooper set themselves a goal. This year, it's to see a naked girl. (Need I say more? Your interest is already piqued!) This task might be easy for some guys, but not these ones- let's just say they’re not ladies' men. The boys' exploits to see a naked girl get funnier and funnier, and gradually more ridiculous. Each thing leads to another and soon the boys are knee deep in...(ahem)…problems. Dirty jokes, girl problems, and a crazy swim coach add even more hilarity to this book.

Their banter is as entertaining as it is realistic, and I enjoyed reading about their friendship. Certain scenes had me laughing for minutes, like the bathroom one and That's What She Said Day. I found it interesting (to put it mildly!) to find out what guys are thinking about most of the time. The book feels a lot like a comedy movie: great dialogue, plenty of action, and good pace. A perfect summertime read!


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