Where the Red Fern Grows | Teen Ink

Where the Red Fern Grows

May 1, 2012
By ByeByeMonkey BRONZE, Waverly WV, West Virginia
ByeByeMonkey BRONZE, Waverly WV, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Billy finally gets his coon dogs, and he couldn’t figure out the names for them. So one day he went through the woods and found a tree that said “Little Ann and Old Dan” and gives the coon dogs the name. It means something to Billy and one night Old Dan wouldn’t leave the tree because he found a coon and wanted to hunt it. Billy wants a dog and can’t have one. He promises his grandpa to sell some stuff and that he wouldn’t tell his father that the secret/promise is between them.

The author's comments:
Little Ann, was stuck on a tree log, and Billy was going to save her but he didn’t know if he should help her or go get help.


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