Ways To Live Forever by Sally Nicholls | Teen Ink

Ways To Live Forever by Sally Nicholls

April 28, 2012
By BookOwl PLATINUM, Bristol, Tennessee
BookOwl PLATINUM, Bristol, Tennessee
32 articles 5 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

Sam McQueen is just a normal eleven-year-old boy, but he’s dying, of leukemia. The doctors had managed to decimate the illness twice, but when it came back for the third time, there was nothing they could do. They gave him around a year to live, and so began his story.

Since Sam is too sick to go to school any longer, a teacher comes to his house to teach him and Felix; his thirteen-year-old friend who suffers from cancer. Their teacher asks them to write something, and so Sam writes a list of things he’d like to do, never imagining he’d ever get the chance to do them. Felix on the other hand, is very optimistic, believing not only that they can finish it, but that they should. Knowing that he’s right, they attempt to mark the things off on his list one by one. Sam has one life, but he’s making his own “Ways To Live Forever”.

This book really makes you think. Knowing you were going to die soon, and yet still managing to stay so strong. Finishing everything you want to do, in such a short time, while you wait for the leukemia to take over completely. Could you even imagine? The story was so moving and sad, yet so completely amazing, that I am honestly torn on my feelings about it. But for anyone who can handle a few tears, I would most definitely recommend it.


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