Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen | Teen Ink

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

March 24, 2012
By Laura Chant BRONZE, Bayport, New York
Laura Chant BRONZE, Bayport, New York
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Jane Austen is one of the world’s greatest writers, and Pride and Prejudice, her most well known novel, is an extremely sharp and witty comedy which takes place in the world of 19th century England where men dominated society and women were obligated to act as little more than the hostess of their estates. In order to enter into marriage with an honorable man whose wealth and social status was advantageous to the future bride and her family, women had to balance their own respectability, virtue, and social status with the desires of their hearts. Jane Austen captures the marital woes and wedded bliss of courtship in upper class society in the lives of the Bennett family who will lose their home and income to their distant cousin, Mr. Collins, after their father’s demise unless one of the daughters enters into a beneficial, yet still affectionate marriage. But will one of the Bennett girls be able to save their family from misfortune while still retaining their forthrightness and without being the victim of loveless marriages?
This escapade is seen mostly through the eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett’s second eldest daughter, Elizabeth, who even with her humorous attitude and wittiness struggles to find true love and happiness due to the failings of her own family. Held down by the tragedy of her sister’s intense love for Mr. Bingley, a man whose family is determined to keep them apart, an anxious, obsessive mother, and the shame brought by a family scandal, Elizabeth is a unmoving player in the game of love, until she meets Mr. Darcy whose pompous, condescending attitude drives her to make hasty judgments regarding his character. Her prejudice towards him for his ridiculous amount of pride is the driving force behind her dislike, but love has a funny way of working things out and first impressions are not always the ones you hold on to.
Pride and Prejudice is a classic for its artistry and Austen’s ability to transport your mind into a world of chivalry and courtship while relinquishing all thoughts of modern life through humorous dialogue and the workings of the heart. This novel is so relatable and a good read for all hopeless romantics for despite being written in an older style of English which is sometimes a put off for many younger readers, it is a beautifully written story that captures the ups and downs of love which is definitely worth reading. For those readers who love to curl up with a romantic Nicholas Sparks or Sarah Dessen novel I would highly recommend this novel or one of the many other fabulous works of Jane Austen. Using her profound artistic style she is able to write a witty good humored story while still retaining the sweetness of the romance. Also, who wouldn’t want to have their very own Mr. Darcy, even if it is only in their imagination.

The author's comments:
For the second quarter we were asked to write a book review for a novel we had recently finished and I really got inspired to write something as stylistic as possible. It turned from something I was just doing for a grade into a work I was really proud of.


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