Torment by Lauren Kate | Teen Ink

Torment by Lauren Kate

February 5, 2012
By SmileyCassidy BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
SmileyCassidy BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Torment, by Lauren Kate is an exciting and suspenseful book. once I started reading it I couldn’t put the book down. I love this book because it never made me bored. Every chapter I read had something exiting going on in it.
Luce, a confused teenage girl under a curse where she dies and comes back over and over again, is staying at a school called Shoreline for protection. While Daniel, her boyfriend who is a fallen angel and is also under the curse but instead of dying he has to watch her dye, is hunting down the outcasts who are trying to kill Luce.

At Shoreline Luce learns about the Nephilim, part angel and part human, The announcers/shadows, and about her past lives she knows nothing about. If you like fantasies and suspenseful books, you will love Torment.

This is the second novel in the “Fallen” series. There are three books out so far in the series and another coming soon. Lauren Kate makes the characters seem so real, you feel as if you’re in the situation with them. She makes you want to glue your hands to the book. She leaves you asking yourself what happens next?

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