Tricks by Ellen Hopkins | Teen Ink

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins

January 13, 2012
By MattLockett GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MattLockett GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Remember, happiness is under a broken rainbow right next to the meaning of life." - QM

Tricks by Ellen Hopkins

“They say freedom isn’t free, I agree.” This is one of the many quotes spoken by Eden. Notice how it has quite a dark tone to it. Tricks by Ellen Hopkins shows a very realistic idea of struggling teens with a slightly difficult plot line. I’m going to show how someone can learn about modern struggles with teens, examples, and why people should read the book.
If someone hasn’t gone through struggling teen years they can learn about them with an inside look. It’s helpful because of the rising number of teens going through these situations. People should also read it if they are curious about any of the topics. Tricks does a great job at showing these ideas through many examples.
The examples in Tricks are so great because they deal with so many walks of life from gay, straight, black, and white. It shows these life-styles through five main characters. My favorite of the five is Seth. Seth went through practically every problem you could think of. From dealing with himself to family and relationships, his story is most realistic to teens. After reading the book people will get a better understanding so they can avoid going through difficult times.
Why read Tricks? This book shows five great stories which are all different, but they also share similar characteristics. Though it has a confusing plot line it was all worth it. It also had fantastic word choices. The biggest things, I think, is how realistic it is. It’s not like regular fiction at all; and at times it can even get a little personal. On top of all that it has a beautiful poetic feel and layout. I’d say this book is great for both teens and young adults.
Tricks teaches you, gives great examples, and has many great qualities to read. “Falling apart. That’s how everything feels.” This is a quote I’m sure many teens will agree with. Now always remember, with some of life’s many struggles, you can always turn to great literature.

The author's comments:
It's a great book!


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