The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells | Teen Ink

The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

January 11, 2012
By pencil9999 BRONZE, Albany, New Mexico
pencil9999 BRONZE, Albany, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man by H.G Wells is another one of his classics. It is about a mysterious Man who visits the small town of Iping. This stranger is our main character. While here he stays at an Inn for a place to be. The mysterious part though is that he is covered in bandages. You can’t even see his eyes due to glasses. All you can see is his nose and the townsfolk have no idea what he’s hiding under it. Although they think he got in a horrible accident because of the covering, it’s obvious to the reader what’s going on. The man was invisible!
The townsfolk do not know this at first, however. That is why they are so frightened when things float and robberies occur without seeing who it is. These parts may be predictable who did it, but can still be entertaining. It’s not until later on they find out who he is, and they spend the rest of the book trying to get him. He does not start out a bad guy though, he is really a scientist. After turning himself invisible, he cannot turn back he turns insane. Some people might be able to relate to his feelings, and others could even feel bad for him.
I don’t want to give anything away, but the invisible man and his old friend end up against each other, and it has a very good ending. This is a very good book and despite being an older book, I recommend it to you.


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