A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson | Teen Ink

A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson

January 10, 2012
By Williamatsandcreek BRONZE, Albany, New York
Williamatsandcreek BRONZE, Albany, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Walk In The Woods

Bill Bryson runs into many interesting characters throughout his hike on the Appalachian Trail in his book, A Walk In The Woods. Many of these characters walked on four legs and were covered in fur. He moved to New Hampshire and finds an opening to a trail. Near the opening he finds a sign reading Appalachia Trail. He decides to research some of the stories of other hikers and campers on the trail. He wants to know what he is in for. Bill decides that he will hike the trail. He goes to the local sportsman store and purchases the necessary gear for the trip. He then sets out for his Journey.

The Appalachian Trail is a lengthy 2181 miles (3510 kilometers). To walk and to hike that takes a tremendous amount of stamina. Most people who hike the trail take months to do so. The trail runs from Mount Katahdin, Maine to Springer Mountain, Georgia. That is not an easy hike by any means.

I found that this book suited my interests nicely. I think anyone who is at all interested in outdoor activities will find this to be well suited for them. I believe that if you have at least a sixth grade reading level this book would not be extremely hard to read, but would be slightly.


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