Just one wish | Teen Ink

Just one wish

December 9, 2011
By CarlieStreet BRONZE, Mounds View, Minnesota
CarlieStreet BRONZE, Mounds View, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason"

Just one breath taker!
Review on Just one wish

When i first started reading Just one wish i never thought my hand would get glued to the book! I thought it was fantastic, there were many adventures and you just didn’t know what was going to happen next. It was non forgettable.

Maybe i thought it was so great because I could relate to it in a way. When i was about 6 or 7, not as old as the main character in this book my moms friend that was pretty much like my aunt ( we were so close) died of cancer also. She fought and fought for her life like the little boy Jeremy did in this book. There was nothing either of them could do except wish and hope that everything would turn out fine in the end but they couldn’t control that, everything happens for a reason.

The main idea i got out of Just one wish is anything can happen if you just set your mind to it. Annika tried a lot of times, a lot of things before she actually succeeded. Failure doesn’t mean the end it means try harder. That’s exactly how this book was. She had faith that she could get what her brother wanted most before his surgery and she wouldn’t let him down to meet Robin Hood!

“Steve wore the Robin Hood costume, right down to the bow in his hands and the boots on his feet.” Well this book has great details down to the last page! When i read each word, each page i could see it playing in my head like a movie, like i was Annika actually playing her part. Doing her every move like i was her shadow.

Overall this book was just FANTASTIC i definitely think a teenager should read this book. With all the great details, relation, and the great plot you will feel like your running in there with all the characters. It should for sure be on your list of books to read.

The author's comments:
i chose this book to write my review on because when i first started reading it i didnt think it was going to be that good but then i kept reading it and i didnt want to put it down. i just kept reading as much as i could when ever i had the chance.


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