MorganVille Vampires:Glass House by Rachel Caine | Teen Ink

MorganVille Vampires:Glass House by Rachel Caine

August 5, 2011
By loveley17 SILVER, Hemet, California
loveley17 SILVER, Hemet, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav. Quote is sooo chezzy!<br /> &quot;I perfer Brunetts&quot; -Edward Cullen Eclipse<br /> I like this quote because its one day i&#039;d like to hear the same thing.. (But only blonde.. Cuz im blonde:) )

The vampire craze is still going on folks! If you like Twilight than your going to like Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine.
Morganville-Small town in Texas
Vampires-yes. Vampires. In Texas.
Claire a 16 year old girl moves alone to tpp university (shes super smart) where Monica Morell (mayors daughter) And her Monicetts torture her. Little Claire has had enough,she is aloud to move into the Glass house filled with 18 year old maybe vamp Michael , sarcastic Shane and Gothic Eve. Claire's new roommates,protect her and are pretty loving. She thinks there a little loco for believing in vampires. But when a little incident with Brandon comes up. Claire finds her self to be crazy also. Claire's got a crush on Shane, Eve on Michael. To find out what happens you'll have to read it... Its a great book!!!

The author's comments:
Morganville is an awesome series.. If you read any of the Vamp series such as twilight,vampire kisses etc.. you will like this!!


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