Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Trilogy | Teen Ink

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Trilogy

June 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Recently I have finished reading the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark trilogy, which I found not only to be non-bone-chilling, but a poor excuse of literary work.
Alvin Schwartz tells us dozens of "chilling tales"- containing mostly urban legends told at slumber parties. Chances are you've heard of at least one of the scary stories mentioned, but if you are a scary-story connoisseur like myself you'll be bored to tears by Page 5.
Mr. Schwartz has no capabilities as an author, in my opinion. Not only does he refuse to end a story properly, but he also refuses to leave a proper cliff-hanger to at least keep up your interest. To describe his writing would be like describing a fat man trying to cram all his food into his mouth but simply cannot finish his plate of food.
The only scary aspect of the entire collection is the ironic pictures by Stephen Gammel. Usually his gory pictures have almost no significance to the story, but the streaks of what looks like blood capture your interest regardless.
I would only suggestion this trilogy for beginners of the horror world, and I would caution those who look for a chilling tale to read something more entertaining-perhaps reading the T.V. Guide to discover Paris Hilton is doing a interview on herself- THAT would be frightening.


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