Lunch Money by Andrew Clements | Teen Ink

Lunch Money by Andrew Clements

February 15, 2008
By Anonymous

The book I chose to review is Lunch money, the author who wrote lunch money is Andrew Clements. I think that Andrew Clements is a great author that is why he is my favorite.

Also Andrew Clements has not only written lunch money he has wrote report card, Frindle and a lot of other books to. This is why I chose to review lunch money as my book review

My audience is 5thgraders. I think that 5th graders are my audience because I think that the book lunch money can relate to them more. I think that it will relate to them more because the main characters are b5th graders and they have the same rules as them.

I have a few things that I think is special about this book. First I think this book is special because one of the main characters Luke has talent , who makes hand made comic books doesn't even show his mom are his friends. He doesn't even publish them but he sells them.

The theme in this story is about this boy named Luke who makes hand made comic books and sells them to other kids during lunch, until completion came along.

I would compare this book to myself. I would compare this book to myself because I also like to make things and sell them.

The problem in this story is that Luke is the only one getting in trouble, his completion is his best friend max and he never gets caught.

I think that 5th graders would enjoy reading this book because they go through the same things Luke does usually.

My opinion about this book is that this book is funny, interesting and a good lesson at the end that is my opinion for the book lunch money

I can say to persuade others to read this is that if you like to read funny, drama and much more then read lunch money.


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