A Midsummers Night Dream by William Shakespeare | Teen Ink

A Midsummers Night Dream by William Shakespeare

March 9, 2011
By MexicoOxD BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MexicoOxD BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont look for love let it find you !@

A Midsummer Night Dream a confusing love story published in early 1600 written by William Shakespeare captures the eye of the reader with all the mysterious tones it creates. The viewer will be intrigued by all the confusion going on in the 4 lovers lives and how Hermia, Helena, Demetrius, and Lysander struggle to find who they really love. Having to be faced with the obstacle of being struck by fairies thinking they love the wrong person.

Will they ever find their true love? How will they get rid of the fairies poison overcoming them?

I really enjoyed the story and how it has a great connection to the real world. The story has a moral of how people struggle to find their true love but get misguided and fall for the wrong people. The book is told in such an inspiring way seeming as if you were the one roaming in the story. This is an amazing story I would recommend it to anyone.


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