Dear John by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

January 13, 2011
By WriteReadDance BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
WriteReadDance BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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“What does it mean to truly love another?” Dear John a romance novel, by Nicholas Sparks, is about John Tyree, a soldier on leave from the army. While on leave, he meets Savannah Lynn Curtis, and though they only spend a little time together, they fall in love. When John’s leave is up, the two communicate through letters. But, the longer they spend apart, the harder their relationship gets. 9/11 happens and John has to stay in the army. John and Savannah grow apart, and when John and Savannah get to see each other, they fight, and barely spend time together.

I loved reading this book. I never wanted to put it down. I adored how much detail the author put into the novel. I also enjoyed how the book was written in first person point of view, seen through John. It was more exciting and emotional than if it were written in third person, or even first person seen through someone else’s point of view. I would suggest this book to girls in about eighth or ninth grade and up, due to some language and content. Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks is an emotional roller coaster, that teaches the meaning of true love.


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