The Lost Heros by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Lost Heros by Rick Riordan

January 13, 2011
By Ben Nicholas BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Ben Nicholas BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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“Even before he got electrocuted, Jason was having a rotten day.” The Lost Heros, by Rick Riordan is the new follow up series to Percy Jackson and the Olympians. This book takes the reader on an electrifying adventure all over the United States. Leo, Jason and Piper embark on a dangerous quest to find out who Jason really is. On this journey, they encounter rogue gods and giants. Will Jason and his demigod friends complete their quest to release a trapped god and find out who Jason really is.

This fantasy by Rick Riordan is a good read for all young adults. The Lost Heros is full of action packed adventures. This is a classic good vs. evil novel. This new series bring back many of the old demi-god campers. This book in my opinion, one of the best books of 2010-2011. The characters were so well described that I could imagine them in my mind. I really liked how the author used different points of views with three different characters.
In one chapter you would be with Leo, then the next, Piper. Also I liked how Riordan made Percy go missing so that new character can be introduced. I think if there were to be another series about this topic it should be in the early 1800’s or in the future because it would be an interesting twist. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.


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